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Monday 10 August 2015

Best Writing Week

So last week was by far the best week of writing I've ever produced.  I usually aim for 5,000 words a week, but last week I doubled that output, writing over 10,000 words.  I also had my best single day of writing with just over 4,000 words.  So far, the outline seems to be doing its job by improving my writing speed.  I know there are some issues I will have to deal with, but at this point I'm just going to press forward and finish the first draft before revising (which is what I should be doing anyways).  I've always had a hard time moving forward if I knew there were problems in past chapters so I'd spend way too much time correcting things that didn't need to be fixed right away.  I hope this new process works out and I can continue writing at a steady pace.  I don't think I'll have another 10,000 word week anytime soon, but who knows.  If you've been watching the Shadows progress bar, you will see it has moved from 28,000/ 80,000 to 40,000/ 84,000 since my last post on July 27th.

Also, I've been listening to Writing Excuses podcasts and have found the advice the writers provide very helpful.  The weekly podcasts are by four professional writers:  Brandon Sanderson (one of my favourites), Mary Robinette Kowal, Howard Taylor and Dan Wells.  They discuss their writing processes as well as provide writing exercises.  You can listen to the podcasts here:  http://www.writingexcuses.com/

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